Versage is one of the world's most evolving brands in beverage and lifestyle products. It is a symbol of a decent and inspiring earthly lifestyle. Our company designs, manufactures and markets a variety of products and creations, including energy drink collections, soft drinks, accessories, and much more, under Versage's unique logo.

Versage distributes its products through a huge and exclusive network of thousands of retailers around the world. For many years Versage has dedicated its products and stocks to a global audience.

The company perfectly shapes the brand under its magnificent designs, offering our consumers and merchants the chance to try and live the Versage lifestyle to the fullest.


A New Lifestyle,

The New Way of Taste,

& the New Dimension of Excellence

As a quality brand, VERSAGE has the latest technology and high standards.

Our collections and creations consist of high quality soft drinks.

Our products are produced with great care and under strict quality monitoring.

All production facilities are ISO 9001 certified.

It has VERSAGE health certificate, Certificate of Analysis, IFC Certificate, Legitimate Sale Certificate, Halal Certificate, European PMF and ESMA certificates.

Energy Drink

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